Web Technologies WNM-608. Class meets in 180NM and Online this Spring 2012 in San Francisco. Classroom:555 Mailbox: 5th Floor Mailroom 180NM
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Interactive and Dynamic Actionscript Course Outline
CANM 801: MS: Group Directed Study: Interactive & Dynamic Actionscript
Course Description
Graduate students working on their individual Final Projects receive instruction and critiques of their work in a group environment. In addition to regular instructor critiques of their work in progress, graduate students discuss approaches to their Final Projects as peers.
Methods of Instruction
Lecture, Critique, Demonstration
Course Learning Outcomes
As a result of successfully completing this course, students…
Will be able to:
Use interactive Flash and Actionscript techniques to further their final project
Work with and develop skills with AS3
Develop thesis project or concepts for thesis
Will be familiar with:
Class Objects and OOP
Will display the following attitudes/professional behaviors:
Meeting deadlines
Accepting and constructively using peer and supervisor critique
Program Learning Outcome
Computer Arts New Media School Graduate Program Learning Outcomes
In Class Participation and Simple Quizzes
Topics Covered by this Course
Identify Class Goals
AS3 Notes and Examples
Using Class Files
Events And Event Handling
Callbacks And Listeners
Using EventDispatcher
OOP Concepts
Using Live Preview
XML And Serverside Connectivity
Case Studies
Department Note
Department Contact Information
Phone: 415-618-3822 (undergrad), 415-618-6526 (graduate)
Materials List
a computer!!! internet access!!!
Required Reading
There are no required books for this class, but remember that the Academy of Art University Virtual Bookstore (powered by eCampus.com) is a great place to find optional books, discounted school supplies, and Academy of Art University branded items such as notebooks and apparel.
Method of Evaluation
Projects and Assignments
Students are expected to spend a minimum of 10 hours per module on projects outside of class. All projects are due on the specified dates (see course schedule). A late project is marked down one grade (B to C). A project more than one week late will receive a grade of F.
Students are expected to attend all class meetings and final grades will reflect this policy. The Academy has developed a Model Attendance Policy and a Model Policy on Late Submission of Projects/Assignments. Most classes follow these policies; however, departments may differ from the model policies. Class attendance is required. Attendance means arriving on time and staying for the entire class session. Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in, every class session. Failure to attend classes, tardy arrivals and early departures will be reflected in final grades as follows:
Four (4) late arrivals may drop the final grade by one letter grade (B to C, C to D...)
Three (3) unexcused absences may result in a final grade of "F".
Three (3) consecutive absences may result in a final grade of "F" or being dropped from the class.
Academic Probation
Students will be placed on Academic Warning if their semester Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below a 2.0, but their cumulative GPA remains at 2.0 or higher. If their cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0, the student will be placed on Academic Probation and if their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, the result is dismissal from college. If a student is dismissed, the student may apply for reinstatement after one full term has passed by submitting a letter to the Grievance Committee giving reasons for his/her academic record and requesting that re-admission be granted.
Grading Criteria
Students are graded on their skill level relative to industry standards. The student's skill level comprises all of the following:
The quality of conceptualization as it relates to assignments.
The quality of craft and design skills.
The quality of a student's presentation.
The student's mature ability to interact with peers and faculty members.
The student's mature ability to receive and act upon critiques.
The student's participation in and contribution to the class.
The student's ability to meet weekly and final deadlines.
The student's attendance record.
Grade Interpretations
Letter Grade Description Grade Points
A Outstanding 4.00
A- Excellent 3.70
B+ Above Average 3.30
B Above Average 3.00
B- Good 2.70
C+ Acceptable 2.30
C Acceptable 2.00
C- Below Average 1.70
D+ Below Average 1.30
D Below Average 1.00
D- Below Average 0.70
F Failing 0.00
I Incomplete* 0.00
IP In Progress* 0.00
P Pass 0.00
T Transfer* 0.00
Grades of I will be given credit only when they are converted to a Letter Grade.
Grades of "F" are computed as zero (0) points toward the Grade Point Average.
Students must achieve a C or better in all Graduate level coursework.
Students must achieve a C- or better in all Undergraduate major classes.
Passing grade for an Undergraduate elective course is D- or above.
Passing grade for an Undergraduate Liberal Arts course is D- or above.
A D+/D/D- in an Undergraduate major required course will be given credit as an elective.
University Code of Conduct
The Academy of Art University is committed to upholding its policies regarding student conduct. By enrolling at the University, students agree to abide by the policies as outlined in the University Code of Conduct, which can be found in the catalog, in the Enrollment Agreement and on the Academy of Art University website. This includes, but is not limited to, the expectations of professional behavior, proper classroom etiquette, attending and participating in all classes. All works, written and visual, must be the student's own creations. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated.
Academy Resource Center (ARC)
180 New Montgomery Street, Room 201 (Main Office)
All services are offered free of charge and are provided to both online and on campus students, except for Speaking Lab and Midpoint Workshops, which are offered only on campus. Please call for drop-in hours and appointments.
(415) 618-3917 or arc@academyart.edu
Speaking Lab. Assistance is offered for oral presentations and pronunciation practice. The Speaking Lab also arranges conversation groups for international students.
Student Academic Support
One-on-one coaching is available by appointment or on a drop-in basis for assistance with study skills and time management. SAS also refers students to outside and other AAU services.
ARC Tutoring (formerly Study Hall Tutoring)
ARC Tutoring provides remedial, one-on-one tutoring to qualifying students to supplement workshops.
Classroom Services
Reasonable accommodations can be made for students with disabilities. For more information, or to establish eligibility, contact Classroom Services at 415.618.3775 or classroomservices@academyart.edu. They are located at 180 New Montgomery Street, Room 267.
ESL Support Program and Online English as a Second Language (OESL)
In-class language support is provided for international students in designated sections. Weekly study groups and one-on-one tutoring are open to all students.
Writing Lab
Writing Lab and Online Writing Lab (OWL). Assistance is available for all writing assignments.
Final Review Workshops
Workshops and one-on-one help are provided to graduate students working on written proposals and oral presentations for final reviews.
Here's a general idea of what to expect.... The course will be flexible and adaptable... we'll work on fundamentals and solve problems as they arise...
Course Outline
CANM 801: MS: GDS: Interactive & Dynamic Actionscript
Jan 27, 2009
Identify Class Goals
Overview of student projects, AS3 Scripting fundamentals review
Present final project ideas
February 3, 2009
AS3 Notes and Examples
AS3 Notes and Examples
Assignment based on class discussion from first week
Continue work on final project ideas, milestones will be outlined
February 10, 2009
Using Class Files
Getting the Most out of AS3 Using Class Files, debugging
In-class project help
Upload two URLs of interactive flash websites to this site and write a quick synopsis of the coding structure behind it. What works about the site? What could be improved?
February 17, 2009
Student Projects Critique
Actionscript3 Quiz
Progress Grading
Course Evaluations for Week 4
Guidelines in reviewing peer work
Group sample critique of sites posted from classmates
Student Projects Critique
Continue progress on final project
February 24, 2009
Events And Event Handling
Events and event handling , callbacks and listeners
Using EventDispatcher
March 3, 2009
Using EventDispatcher
March 10, 2009
OOP Concepts
Midterm Grading: another Actionscript Quiz
Project and progress review, introduction to OOP, OOP Concepts
Project question and answer period
Apply learned concepts to project
March 24, 2009
Using Live Preview
Using Live Preview
Project Question and Answer
Continue work on final project
March 31, 2009
Work Day
I will be available for individual project review, critique and assistance
Continue work on final project
April 7, 2009
Serverside Connectivity
XML and serverside connectivity discussion
Apply serverside connectivity concepts to project.
April 14, 2009
Work Day
Progress Grading: Actionscript Quiz
I will be available for individual project review and assistance
Continue work on final project
April 21, 2009
Work Day
I will be available for individual project review and assistance
Continue working on final project
April 28, 2009
Class Critique
Critique student work
Present and critique work on final projects
Post two URLs of interactive flash websites to this site that use AS3 effectively. Why are you drawn to these sites? What captures your attention?
Continue working on final project
May 5, 2009
Case Studies
Progress Grading: Actionscript Quiz
End of Semester Course Evaluations
Case Studies
Continue work on final project
Continue work on final project
May 12, 2009
Critique and Evaluations
Final Grading
More critique of student work
Evaluations and peer critiques
Data types
ActionScript primarily consists of "fundamental" or "simple" data types which are used to create other data types. These data types are very similar to Java data types. Since ActionScript 3 was a complete rewrite of ActionScript 2, the data types and their inheritances have changed.
ActionScript 2 top level data types
* String - A list of characters such as "Hello World"
* Number - Any Numeric value
* Boolean - A simple binary storage that can only be "true" or "false".
* Object - Object is the data type all complex data types inherit from. It allows for the grouping of methods, functions, parameters, and other objects.
ActionScript 2 complex data types
There are additional "complex" data types. These are more processor and memory intensive and consist of many "simple" data types. For AS2, some of these data types are:
* MovieClip - An ActionScript creation that allows easy usage of visible objects.
* TextField - A simple dynamic or input text field. Inherits the Movieclip type.
* Button - A simple button with 4 frames (states): Up, Over, Down and Hit. Inherits the MovieClip type.
* Date - Allows access to information about a specific point in time.
* Array - Allows linear storage of data.
* XML - An XML object
* XMLNode - An XML node
* LoadVars - A Load Variables object allows for the storing and send of HTTP POST and HTTP GET variables
* Sound
* NetStream
* NetConnection
* MovieClipLoader
* EventListener
ActionScript 3 top level data types
* Boolean - The Boolean data type has only two possible values: true and false or 1 and 0. No other values are valid.
* int - The int data type is a 32-bit integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
* Null - The Null data type contains only one value, null. This is the default value for the String data type and all classes that define complex data types, including the Object class.
* Number - The Number data type can represent integers, unsigned integers, and floating-point numbers. The Number data type uses the 64-bit double-precision format as specified by the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE-754).
* String - The String data type represents a sequence of 16-bit characters. Strings are stored internally as Unicode characters, using the UTF-16 format. Previous versions of flash used the UTF-8 format.
* uint - The uint (Unsigned Integer) data type is a 32-bit unsigned integer between 0 and 4,294,967,295.
* void - The void data type contains only one value, undefined. In previous versions of ActionScript, undefined was the default value for instances of the Object class. In ActionScript 3.0, the default value for Object instances is null.
ActionScript 3 complex data types
* Object - The Object data type is defined by the Object class. The Object class serves as the base class for all class definitions in ActionScript. Objects in their basic form can be used as associative arrays that contain key-value pairs, where keys are Strings and values may be any type.
* Array - Contains a list of data. Though ActionScript 3 is a strongly-typed language, the contents of an Array may be of any type and values must be cast back to their original type after retrieval. (Support for typed Arrays has recently been added with the Vector class.)
* Vector - A variant on Array supported only when publishing for Flash Player 10 or above. Vectors are typed, dense Arrays (values must be defined or null) which may be fixed-length, and are bounds-checked during retrieval. Vectors are not just more typesafe than Arrays but also perform faster.
* Dictionary - Dictionaries are a variant of Object that may contain keys of any data type (whereas Object always uses strings for its keys).
* MovieClip - Animated movie clip display object; a descendant (with minor modifications) of the main Flash timeline.
* Bitmap - A non-animated bitmap display object.
* Shape - A non-animated vector shape object.
* ByteArray - Contains an array of binary byte data.
* TextField - A dynamic, optionally interactive text field object.
* SimpleButton - A simple interactive button type supporting "up","over", and "down" states with an arbitrary hit area.
* Date - A date object containing the current system date/time.
* Error - A generic error object that allows runtime error reporting when thrown as an exception.
* Function - The core class for all Flash method definitions.
* RegExp - A regular expression object for strings.
* Video - A video playback object supporting direct (progressive download) or streaming (RTMP) transports. As of Flash Player version, the open h.264/MP4 high-definition video format is also supported along side standard Flash video (FLV) content.
* XML - A revised XML object based on the E4C standard; nodes and attributes are accessed differently than ActionScript 2.0 object (a legacy class named XMLDocument is provided for backwards compatibility).
* XMLList - An Array-based object for various content lookups in the XML class.
kirupa.com - Classes and MovieClips, a simple tutorial
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