Thursday, September 2, 2010

Web Technologies Course starts today!!!

Course Description

Full advantage of the opportunities afforded by the web will be introduced. User interface, design principles and project management will be associated with hands on applications for the entire process of front-end web development. Languages include HTML, XHTML, CSS and Javascript.

Course Outcomes

Will be able to:
  • Hand code HTML and CSS from scratch
  • Confidently design and execute a web site
Will be familiar with:
  • The broad picture of the web and how it works
  • Client-side coding practices and web standards
  • The fundamentals of organizing and developing a web site
  • What it takes to design usable, transparent navigation
Will display the following professional attitudes/behaviors:
  • The fundamentals of organizing and developing a web site
  • Proper file organization and management
View Program Learning Outcome

Books and Materials

Required Books

Web Design in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596009879
Author(s): Niederst, Jennifer
Publisher: O'Reilly; 3rd edition (February 21, 2006)


Recommended Books

Head First JavaScript
ISBN: 0596527748
Author(s): Morrison, Michael

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