Monday, April 2, 2012

WNM 608, Module 9: Advanced CSS homework

WNM 608, Module 9: Advanced CSS: Assignment 9.1: Demonstration Files


Please complete the following demonstration files detailed in this module using your own graphics.
2 pages.... one of gradients --- 9 gradients and one of  transitions and drop menu... 

and Portfolio

Finish collecting content and begin designing -- Continue to collect and refine your content. Make a list of all the different kinds of media your portfolio will need to accommodate. Begin grouping your content into categories. Start thinking about the hierarchy of your categories. Complete your resume.
Make a list of everything that must be on each page. Using the media of your choice, make your first design pass. You can use paper, pen and pencil or use your computer. Keep your designs flexible. Remember, this is just your first pass. Pick just three pages from your site to design -- don't try to do all of them. Be sure you have included everything that must be on every page.

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