Tuesday, July 28, 2009

flash.net package - ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference

flash.net package - ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference

Looks up a class that previously had an alias registered through a call to the registerClassAlias() method.

navigateToURL(request:URLRequest, window:String = null):void
Opens or replaces a window in the application that contains the Flash Player container (usually a browser).

registerClassAlias(aliasName:String, classObject:Class):void
Preserves the class (type) of an object when the object is encoded in Action Message Format (AMF).

Sends a URL request to a server, but ignores any response.

Friday, July 17, 2009

curtismorley.com � Flash Error #1180: Call to a possibly undefined method myCustomClass.

Flash Error #1180: Call to a possibly undefined method myCustomClass

Make sure that when you instantiate the Object that you are using the Class name and not the variable name.

Bad Code:

var myCustomClass:CustomClass = new myCustomClass();

Good Code:

var myCustomClass:CustomClass = new CustomClass();

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Visuell Interactive Agency : Welcome

Visuell Interactive Agency : Welcome



Gaia Framework for Adobe Flash

Gaia Framework for Adobe Flash: "Gaia has built-in deeplinking with SWFAddress, and is fully integrated with SWFObject so you don't have to write any HTML, CSS or Javascript. Gaia also uses SWFWheel which gives you full mouse scroll wheel support on all platforms and browsers!"

Preloader - Gaia Framework Wiki

Preloader - Gaia Framework Wiki: "You can change the MovieClipAsset the preloader uses at runtime. Make sure your MovieClipAsset is already loaded (preferably into the 'PRELOADER' depth, see Site XML documentation) and that it implements the IPreloader interface. Read more about this functionality in the API documentation. If the clip you assign to the preloader unloads or is removed for some reason, Gaia will automatically revert back to the default preloader."

flex and flash developer | steven sacks

flex and flash developer | steven sacks

Monday, July 6, 2009

Flash CS3

Flash CS3
here's some sample code:
var connection_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var stream_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(connection_nc);

myVideoHolder_video.addCuePoint("myCuePt", 2);

Adobe Media Encoder CS4 * Cue points for FLV and F4V video files

Adobe Media Encoder CS4 * Cue points for FLV and F4V video files

DuPont in Energy

DuPont in Energy