Saturday, December 18, 2010

student course work: The Final Countdown...

aly fayollat's course work page

dave hall's course work page

adrian osman's coursework

bryan harris

the site's links are all to her hard drive... too bad (unless you want to hack into her hd).
jennifer orlando's course work page

sorry for the rest of the class, i haven't had an opportunity to upload everyone's links.  some were VERY late... which is why grades were very last minute...

Portfolio Projects...

a great start:

aly fayollat

a red 4Leaf clover:
swf object undefined... long wait time for video on the home page. way too big for what it is... missing up button (404ing)

bryan harris

Thomas Smet 

lindsey avery

jennifer orlando's website

Thursday, December 9, 2010

end of the semester is upon us...

it's never too late to master something you truly want to learn, regardless of a timeline put forth on you here, if it takes you longer to learn, sobeit. don't be discouraged, this is abstract stuff. but once you get it, it gets easier. usually. so that means you'll get faster. eventually.

Here's the school's policy on Incompletes.
Please refer all student requests for an Incomplete to

Academy of Art University Incomplete Policy

In special circumstances, a student may petition for a grade of Incomplete (I). Students must send a request before the end of the term (Saturday, December 18, 2010) to Authorization for an Incomplete is NOT automatic and approval will depend on the circumstances leading to the request. Students will generally be required to provide documentation verifying that they are unable to complete the required final class assignment because of a personal emergency, an illness, or a documented family emergency. All other work must be completed and up-to-date with only the final project or final exam not completed.