Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Web Technologies 608

Welcome to Web Technology I. The Web is less than 20 years old. It is a young medium, still unsettled. The technology continues to evolve at a break neck pace! Yet already it has become integrated into our lives changing the way we communicate, do business, manage our money, our social lives and more. Few of us can imagine our world without web access. This course was created for the designer who wants to be part of this amazing journey. In this course we will focus on the users' side of the web. The focus of this class is on the concepts and technologies that govern web design. The web is a unique design space. A well-rounded web designer understands how to structure content, design the right look and feel as well as create the wonderful interactive experiences that make the web 'webby'. In this course you will be learning the foundational languages of the Web, HTML for structure, Cascading Style Sheets for formatting and we will have a gentle introduction to working with the Document Object Model with Javascript. And besides, this class is fun! You will be designing and making from scratch your own web sites. This class is 'brain candy'. Develop yourself as a creative thinker. Bring your creativity to the web -- sign up for Web Technology I.